I often arrive to teach classes, and find the studio strewn with folks frantically stretching as if Cirque du Soleil was holding contortion auditions in twenty minutes. Here’s this week’s quickie: don’t deeply stretch a muscle, and then ask it to maximally contract; save your deep stretching for after class – not before. Why? Well, it’s like your favorite pair of jeans. After you wash them, they’re pretty tight, so you stretch them out by wearing them around. But after a while, they’re too stretched out, and you’ve got saggy-baggy-elephant butt – so sad! It takes some work (and some quarters) to get them “contracted” again, just like your muscles. Muscles are a bit weaker right after you stretch deeply! Warm your muscles, take them through their anticipated range of motion, have a fun torture session, THEN stretch deeply.
Not sure you believe me? That’s OK (sniff), the science is always changing as we learn more. Here’s a great article!
“Recent studies caution people away from stretching before workouts, suggesting it actually impedes your body’s performance. According to this research, runners run more slowly, jumpers jump less high, and weight lifters lift more weakly by stretching, without significantly ensuring against injury during their exercise.”
Love and pull-ups, Laura
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