Sweet heavens, ya’ll better be glad I don’t use a Swear Jar during class – you’d be broke and I’d be a millionaire. What move is most swear-worthy? When do I hear the grunts, groans, and colorful metaphors galore? Whether you call them inversions, straddle-backs, or demented flying monkey swings, it’s tough to get that crisp, tight, straight-legged straddle we’re aiming for – slightly bent legs, droopy tushies, and funky feet can make it feel like we’ll never get there. Take heart, Dear Danglers – help is on the way!
Anatomy of a Sassy Straddle
There are several “pillars” of aerial work – pull-ups being one, inversions being another. A crummy inversion sets the stage for sloppy work (and makes your downstairs feel heavy), so it’s worth putting in the time and effort it takes to execute clean, snappy straddles. Here’s what we’re looking for:
- strong upper body position to start – arms are either bent with elbows to your waist & hands just below your collarbones, or fully extended overhead (much more difficult). Notice that I didn’t say half way between bent and straight? Because that is not a thing in inversion work. Knock it off.
- clean “take-off” – legs sweep cleanly around the fabric. DO NOT kick your fabric out of the way – it doesn’t look nearly as fabulous as you might think, just spastic.
- quick tap of the legs together (hollow body), then a strong fan outwards and overhead – no pause or tempo (beat-back) – this is a Very Bad Habit. Don’t make me get my taser.
- straight legs (bent “frog” legs are absolutely acceptable in the beginning, or when used as an artistic choice)
- think about pressing your chest between your arms (you may need to have a slight bend in the arms to accommodate your chest). From here, tuck your tushie under you to keep your butt from dragging you back down.
- high, elevated derriere (no droopy drawers or saggy assets!) – get your booty as close to your hands as you can
How to Get There – Aerial Straddle Training Tips
The BEST way to get glorious straddles is to train with a good coach. If you’re looking for a better understanding of the mechanics or progressions, here are some little nuggets to think on.
- Beginners – you’re ready to start training inversions when you can hold yourself reliably with bent arms on the fabric. Until then, work going in and coming out of your straddle position using a fabric knot.
- Start on the floor and give yourself a little assist.
- When you’re ready to start working it in the air (low!!!), start by tucking up, as if you were trying to knee yourself in the shoulders (because why wouldn’t you?). I call this the Brazilian Butt Wax Position – try it and you’ll see why! Don’t worry about going upside down quite yet, work on really tucking your pelvis towards your ribs.
- Once tucks are easy, add the push with the arms which will rotate you upside down. Try to keep your elbows as close to your waist as you can.
- Develop the strength to lift your leg up to 90 degrees. My two favorite exercises:
- Stand. Place your foot on an elevated surface like a bed or coffee table. While keeping the leg as straight as you can, lift it up and down 10 times. Dance around to get rid of that Charlie horse. Do the other side.
- Sit in a straddle with your back up against the wall so you won’t cheat. Place your hands on the floor in front of you. Lift and lower your legs 10x.
- Curl your pelvis. Try this: stick your butt out. Now, try to lift your leg in front of you. Notice how high it went (or, you know, didn’t). Now, tuck your pelvis under and do the same thing. Did it go higher? Yes. Yes it did. You need that pelvic curl to ultimately get your booty to the sky.
- Turn out from the hips! Utilizing a turn-out allows your powerful “side butt” muscles to assist, and friend, we need all the help we can get. Think about lifting from your inner thighs.
- If you think your hamstring flexibility (or lack of) is limiting your position, work consistently on stretching them out and strengthening the quadriceps (front of the thigh). Be gentle! Work with bent legs in the meantime.
- Mixed level/intermediate – now, we WORK. Get into your full straddle position. Lower down SLOOOOOOOWLY, keeping your legs straight, and bending your arms back to your starting position. Again. Again. Again (you get the picture). By reverse training your inversions, you’ll not only strengthen the essential muscles, but you’ll get a great idea of exactly when your “ugly moment” is happening so you can be aware of it.
- Tip: think “energy out the toes” – you have to engage the whole leg, and everything radiates outwards from your core. Think about laser beams shooting out of your feet (hum the theme from “Star Wars”, it helps).
- Now – EVERY time you train, add 5-10+ straddles into your conditioning, switching sides every 5 reps. Come down and do a little straddle dance – you’ve earned it. Werk it out.
And that’s how we do it! How are you doing on the 30 day straddle challenge? If you haven’t started, what are you waiting for? Are you gaining inches? Lemme hear you! Love and pull-ups, Laura
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