I am a Very Very Competent Student. If I am in your class, you never have to worry about me doing something questionable or stupid (SAYING something questionable or stupid is another story entirely). I know my body, can easily follow most directions, and am perfectly happy finding my own modifications for things that are too hard, too scary, or to work around an injury. All of these things make The Competent Student super easy to have in class! These things also tend to render them invisible.

Teachers Gotta Triage
In a group class, your coach is in a constant state of “triage”. We identify students most likely to test our insurance, beginners who are now questioning ALL their life choices, and students who are going to need a challenge. If you’re somewhere in the middle, you may sometimes legitimately feel overlooked.
Friend, that is REAL. You absolutely do. Let’s get on that.
Gimme Some of That Teachin’ Love!
Here are some things to keep in mind and a few ideas for how you might eek your way back onto the radar.
- First, ask yourself how you respond to feedback. If the answer is anything other than “graciously”, consider this: if it is unpleasant to give you non-essential feedback (you argue, roll your eyes, get moody, or just ignore it), you’re not going to get as much of it. Your coach probably isn’t a glutton for punishment, so don’t make giving you corrections painful. Repeat after me: “Thank you!”
- Talk to your coach! If you are consistently feeling overlooked, it’s time to have a chat with your teacher. This probably shouldn’t be a 45 minute dump-all-your-feelings-on-the-table kind of talk (oh glory, please no), but rather a quick, “Hey Ms Mergatroyd! I’m loving this class so much! Could I get a little more feedback from you? I’m really looking to level up, and I feel like I need a little more direction.” If you have something specific you’re working on, even better.
- Ask questions! Pick one thing you really want help with, and then feel ZERO guilt asking for your coach’s full attention for a few minutes. For example, I’m fairly certain that I will die a slow and terrible death if I walk belly-to-the-wall in handstand class. It gives me ALL the feels. So, I ask my coach to stand right next to me to ensure my survival (it’s worked so far! I am not dead!).
- Accept that you may be doing just fine, and whatever you’re working on just needs more time. You may be doing everything just as you should, just where you are. The most common feedback I got in circus school? “Again.”
If, after all that, you still feel invisible, it might be time to look at switching to another class or booking some private sessions. Just remember though – a full class of 6 with 5 beginners is REALLY different from a class with three circus veterans, and sometimes we just have to be our fabulously competent selves while our coach focuses on folks who need them a little more today. Communicate with your coach, don’t be le poo when you DO get feedback, and share the love. Feedback and pull-ups, Laura