Why Is Popeye In My Trapeze Class? 5 Ways to Increase Aerial Stamina ( Part 1)

What IS she doing? Why is he pounding on his forearms? Is it a new dance? Obscene gesture? The latest in myofascial release? No! It’s the dreaded AERIAL POPEYE! If you’ve been giving your apparatus some quality time, you’ve probably already experienced this delightful sensation, and wondered what you can do about it. Hang on tight – we’re talking aerial stamina!
The Why of Popeye (Hint: It Has Nothing to Do With Spinach)
It’s all about grip, baby! When we are working on new things, or approaching an apparatus for the first time, we naturally over grip. This is not a bad thing – it shows that your intuitive powers of self-preservation are functioning the way they should! (Remind me to tell you about “The Let-Go Guy” some time – he’s responsible for all 40 3 of my grey hairs).
Another cause is a repetitive grip-release pattern in your choreography – too many “grippy” moments too close together equals forearms like a sailor (and worthy of a mermaid tattoo!).
OR you could be dehydrated, or a little low on a vitamin/mineral essential to proper muscle contraction like calcium, manganese, and potassium.
When It Happens, Go To Your Happy Place
What should you DO when you feel that tell-tale tingling in your forearms?
- Immediately assess your safety. Do not pass go or collect $200 – go immediately to a safe rest position on your apparatus, or come to the floor. Now.
- Wait it out, relax, and stretch your forearms if you can (if you’re in performance, get creative with this! Spirit fingers!).
- Continue if you are safely able, or come down to the floor and go back up when you’re ready.
Popeye Prevention
- Train train train train train. Familiarity breeds comfort, which encourages relaxation, which reduces the likelihood of Popeye. It also makes for stronger, more capable muscles.
- Pay attention to the moments you are most likely to over-grip and consciously relax your hands as much as you safely can (don’t be droppin’ out of the sky and telling people Laura said to “relax”!).
- Stay in the moment. Breathe – it really does make a difference. Take your time.
- Drink your water! Electrolyte drinks might be helpful as well (coconut water, Gatorade, etc.) if you’re working particularly hard.
- If you’ve been noticing a lot of muscle fatigue during your training, consider taking a trip to the doc to get your bod checked, or making an appointment with a nutritionist to make sure you’re getting what you need in your diet (I wish I could think of a Popeye/spinach joke to make here… but I can’t. Just eat your spinach.).
Join me next week when we tackle Part Deux of this post – how to finish a tough aerial piece without emerging a quivering mass of Jell-O (because nothing looks cooler than barfing or passing out when you’ve finished your act). Love and pull-ups, Laura
Click here to read Aerial Stamina – Part 2!
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